Who am I?
At 10 years old, I wrote my first "Hello World!" and loved programming ever since! I have published apps for Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, including one with over 2 million downloads.
Last winter, I interned at Facebook in Menlo Park, CA, where I worked on several core features in the video processing pipeline. Previously, I worked at Bloomberg on news and document search infrastructure in both the London and New York offices.
I love challenging myself, reading, travelling, clean design & typography, and most of all building great products.
Currently available for hire, send me a message using the links below!
Sole designer and developer of Whitespace for iOS.
Helped with Multi Lang Dictionary for iOS and inspired School Countdown.
Sole designer and developer of Mini Info (over 2 million downloads) apps, including Mini Info+. Helped with Multi Lang Dictionary for Android.
Sole designer and developer of Flex Search.
Helped with Multi Lang Dictionary for Windows Phone.
Designer, developer, social media and technical writer of dynotes.com.
Founder of appunderdog.com and flexsearchapp.com.
C++, Objective-C, Java, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL
C, Swift, Hack, PHP, Racket, jQuery, React, Node.js
Xcode, Eclipse, Vim, Sublime, Android Studio, Visual Studio
Unix, Linux, Windows, Apache, Wordpress, Jekyll, Solr
Git, Mercurial, SVN, CVS, Bash, Photoshop, Illustrator
Ultimate Frisbee, Badminton, Tennis, Cycling, Hiking, Skiing
Awards / Accomplishments
1st Place
UW Ultimate Frisbee Intramurals
1st Place Overall
BDO New Venture Competition
6th Place Overall
UW Finance Association Winter 2015 CodeB Hackathon
TechU.me 2014 AppJam
Niveau B2
DELF, diplôme d'études en langue française
ECOO Programming Contest
Group IV Honour Roll
University of Waterloo Euclid Mathematics Contest
Waterloo, ON
University of Waterloo
- 4A Business Administration and Computer Science Double Degree.
- Recipient of the only CIBC National Scholarship (2014).
- Teaching assistant for BU 111, Math 135 and Math 137.
Contact Me
You can find me on LinkedIn or GitHub. I usually respond within 24 hours :)